Plusdotazione Cognitiva


Italian association of psychologists and psychotherapists

Mentecomportamento is an italian association of psychologists and psychotherapists, which aims to offer several services to gifted children as well as to their parents.

Our association is distributed in seventeen regions, out of twenty, giving the possibility to families to access to the nearest point (Our Net).

Mentecomportamento members provide neuropsychological assessment for possible gifted children and adolescents, measuring IQ, investigating social and emotional features and measuring cognitive function which can heavily affect school performance (such as planning, attention maintenance) (Assessment for giftedness).

Moreover, Mentecomportamento members actively cooperates with schools and teacher in order to implement programs for gifted students.

Member of ECHA

Mentecomportamento is member of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA)

In 1988 the European Council for High Ability (ECHA) was founded, which unites teachers, parents, scholars and stakeholders of Eastern and Western Europe, in an exchange of information on the education of children with high cognitive potential

Mentecomportamento supports parents of gifted children with special group training (Parents group).

In addition, Mentecomportamento organizes every month several enrichment activities for children and adolescents (Activities).

Furthermore, in 2018 we have organized a Summer School reserved to gifted children (Summer School).

Constantly, Mentecomportamento trained teachers in several schools in different part of the country. Recently, teachers have followed a dedicated training about giftedness in school of the northern Italy, middle and southern.

Mentecomportamento members have published several articles on national and international journals (click here). In 2017, Mentecomportamento has also published two books dedicated to gifted kids (see books here).

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30 Psicoterapeuti

17 Sedi regionali

1 Obiettivo comune

Mentecomportamento | Associazione di psicoterapeuti cognitivo-comportamentali

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